Why you shouldn’t pop pimples — and 10 Myths vs Facts about Acnes

“Acne is not something that is physically debilitating; It’s more so emotionally debilitating.”

Most people don’t consider acne an interesting topic to talk or read about. But about 85 per cent of people get acne at one time or another.

“Popping pimples might unload your face with such an annoying thing,” even after being advised not to pick or pop them. Doing so is definitely not a wise solution to get rid of them, rather it may only lead to worsening the condition, leaving marks over there.


Clinically, acne is described as a disease of features known as pilosebaceous units (PSUs). Found just under the skin, PSUs are numerous on the face, upper back, and chest, and contain sebaceous glands that are connected to hair follicles.

It is known that acne is partly the result of the action of hormones on the skin‘s oil glands and the hair follicles. The earliest lesion of acne is plugging of the pores of the skin.

Factors believed to be related to acne formation include

• increases in sex hormones called androgens that occur in both boys and girls during puberty. Androgens cause sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum in hair follicles

• hormonal changes related to pregnancy or to starting or stopping use of birth control pills

• genetics

Beware of Myths

There are many misconceptions out there about how acne forms, as well as on how to treat the condition. What’s more, pimples aren’t just a common skin problem — they’re something of a scientific mystery, caused in part by poorly-understood colonies of bacteria that live in our pores and eat our skin oil.

There are many rumours and myths about pimples out there that are, quite frankly, not true. If you’re not taking good care of your skin, pimples will occur, but don’t believe anyone who tells you to put down that french fry because it’ll cause greasy skin.

Biggest Acne Myths Busted to Calm your Zit-stricken Skin

Myth Number 1: Only Teens Get Acne

Pimples do not just happen to teenagers. In fact, they can happen at any age for a wide array of reasons. Since approximately 85% of adolescents encounter some form of acne, it does seem like they “own it”. Though teenagers may be more susceptible to acne due to the body going through changes. Adult acne affects women more than men as acne can correlate to hormonal fluctuations, which women experience throughout their lives. Some common factors that can increase these pesky blemishes on the skin include stress and pregnancy.

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Myth Number 2: Pimples only show up on the face

Though pimples may be most noticeable on the face, they can occur anywhere on the body, including the chest, back, legs, thighs, and more.

Myth Number 3: You should put toothpaste on a pimple to clear it up

Toothpaste is meant for teeth, not pimples. Many have experimented with placing a dollop of toothpaste on their pimples only to fail. Toothpaste can be harsh on the skin, and pimples and zits require treatment that is much smoother.

Myth Number 4: If you can’t get to a derm, just pop your pimples yourself

Many believe that once a pimple looks “ready,” meaning it has reached its ultimate pus-filled level, it can be popped. This is actually a very bad thing to do.

Though a pimple may be close to the end of its life, many experts believe that popping pimples may cause scarring and may even cause more pimples to pop up.

Myth Number 5: Diet has nothing to do with breakouts

Turns out, this may NOT be such a wives’ tale. Foods do not cause acne but they can aggravate the condition. Foods rich in sugars refined cereals, bread, cheese can trigger a virulent acne attack. Chocolates, nuts, and dairy products—though not directly responsible for acne can set off a chain reaction in people with sensitive blood sugar levels, inflaming existing acne. Another silent cause of acne is vegetable oil.

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Myth Number 6: You should lay out in the sun to clear up your acne

The sun actually does not help with clearing up zits. Overexposure to sunlight can actually cause skin problems such as cancer, so those who spend extended periods of time in the sun without sunblock could walk away with more detrimental problems than just pimples.

Myth Number 7: Pimple is linked to sexual activity

It’s easy to see why the confusion may arise – acne is related to hormones, and there’s nothing more hormonal than sex. Reality: sex doesn’t affect acne

Sex and acne link just isn’t borne out by the evidence. It’s a silly myth, there is no correlation.

Myth Number 8: All Exfoliators are the same

Absolutely false! A physical exfoliator, or scrub, uses mechanics like beads to remove dead skin cells from your skin’s surface. Other exfoliators contain glycolic acid and salicylic acid to help cause dead skin cells to shed chemically.

Myth Number 9: Using more acne medications will stop breakouts.

Acne medications contain drying agents which may cause over-drying which can lead to irritation. A dermatologist can prescribe you medications and put on a usage schedule which will provide optimal skin-care to diminish your acne problems.

Myth Number 10: Pimples Happen overnight

Although you may not notice a pimple until it glaring you in the face, pimples do not just form overnight. Acne always seems to appear out of nowhere but it can actually be weeks in the making before it showed up on your skin. Acne is a complicated process. It’s not just one thing gone wrong, but can be up to four interrelated steps.

They are:

Step 1: Excess dead skin cells clog the pore

Step 2: Overproduction of oil (sebum)

Step 3: Overgrowth of p. acnes bacteria in the pore

Step 4: Inflammation (swelling) as a reaction to the bacteria and its byproducts

Just as it takes a while for a pimple to go away, it takes some time for them to form as well.

Spots can be a signal of Health Problems

There is little evidence to suggest that facial mapping for acne is effective for example showing that someone is intolerant to gluten, or bad digestion. However, acne in certain areas of the face may be caused by specific factors:

Forehead acne can be caused by certain hair styling products like waxes and oils, which block the pores. It can also occur if you have a fringe, as hair will rub against the forehead skin causing irritation and potentially contributing to breakouts. The same applies to regularly wear hats, caps, and helmets.

Cheek and jawline acne can result from phone use. Touchscreens contain large numbers of bacteria on their surface and placing your phone against your cheek creates pressure that may activate your oil-producing or sebaceous glands. This is also combined this with heat generated from the phone.

Jawline and around the mouth – acne affecting the lower half of the face has often been linked to hormonal changes, particularly in women that develop spots at a later age. This can often manifest as deep, red painful cysts under the skin rather than blackheads or whiteheads.

Acne is not usually a serious health condition. But it can cause significant emotional distress, as well as permanent scarring of skin tissue.

As you can see, it takes a while for that pimple to reach your skin’s surface. That’s why it’s important to address acne before it starts. While this can take time in the beginning, a consistent, daily acne treatment routine can help break the acne cycle.

Mainly, pimples are the result of hormonal imbalance, excessive sweating and a certain diet you follow. Foods that you consume on a regular basis determine youthfulness of your skin. Therefore, to combat pimples, eating the right food is the simplest of all.

By Priyanshi Bhatnagar

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