Weight Loss: How to get back on a track after falling off your Diet or Exercise

It is difficult to follow your healthy eating track when life keeps getting in the way. Whether it’s work, family commitments, or vacations, it is more than likely you fall off the track of your healthy eating goals. The last thing we want is to give up completely.

We’re all human, so it’s normal to get sidetracked when trying to eat healthy. But falling off the wagon doesn’t mean having to stay off.

Enter Priyanshi Bhatnagar, Certified Holistic Nutritionist effective Strategies, a leading online nutrition consultant specialising in weight management, disordered eating, gut health, metabolic nutrition along with holistic healing. Eat up, lose weight, and feel energized on her easy nutrition plan.

There will always be instances when following your routine is impossible. You don’t need superhuman willpower, you just need strategies that can pull you back on track.
With that said, here are Priyanshi’s 8 strategies that you can use to Reset and Recharge After Falling Off the Healthy Eating Track.

1.Start now, not tomorrow

Don’t wait for tomorrow, next Monday or next month to put your plan into action. Start with your next meal. If you’re going away, have something in the fridge or freezer that you can cook easily when you return or, if you shop for food online, book in an order of healthy foods to arrive when you get home.

Weight loss tips

Even if you’ve had a big lunch, a chocolate bar, or a piece of cake already today, don’t let that stop you making a start today.

2.Focus on Small Changes

Start Small!  Smaller changes are proven to be more effective long-term than bigger ones. Think about an area that you know you need work. For example, if you are skipping meals like lunch your first goal could be to eat your three meals per day and then balance it with mostly vegetables, a source of lean protein and a whole grain carbohydrate like millets or a starchy vegetable like sweet potato.

3.Focus on Consistency

The trend in today’s world based on current science is that extreme fad diets do not work in the short and long term. While you may think you experience true weight loss, extreme weight loss short term simply results in loss of muscle. By losing muscle, you decrease your metabolism and not only gain the weight back over time but have a harder time losing weight again.

Food choice

Sticking with a whole foods diet incorporating healthy fats and other balanced food groups, you experience a loss in body fat and sustain or boost muscle when incorporating a fitness routine. These are the lasting results that matter for your weight and health along with how you look and feel.

4.Get Active

Exercise keeps you motivated by making you feel good, empowering you with the realization of the strength of your body. Plus, fitness is proven to boost your mood and keep you focused which helps you eat better. It will also help you physically see the results of your weight loss efforts more quickly and it is a proven necessity when you have to keep the weight loss off.

Stay active

Don’t become overwhelmed by the word “exercise” and instead make a less stressful commitment to simplybe active.” Any movement you do and consistently will work in your weight and health favour long term.

5.Don’t starve yourself after a day of eating

Starving yourself just sets you up for overeating at your next opportunity, and that defeats the point. The first thing you will do is reach for all the wrong foods, like bread and carbs. Eat a modest and balanced breakfast here are Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Busy Mornings under 100 calories & 200 calories. That way when you walk into the room full of food your body will be nicely fueled and you will be able to make a rational decision of what (and how much) to eat.

Low Cal breakfast

6.Hydrate And take 10 minutes to see if you are thirsty, not hungry

Most of the time we are struggling with eating too much, or wanting to eat less and skip a very critical component of our weight: water! Simply drinking primarily water, will help meet your fluid needs and decrease your weight. Not only does hydration help your total weight, but it also boosts your metabolism by 30% helping you burn more calories simply by drinking! Try to incorporate hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables into your diet as well as help meet your fluid goals.


11 Weird Things That Happen to Your Body When You Don’t Drink Enough Water

7.Don’t buy diet cookies, snack on fruit

Rather trying to find a healthy snack from the huge range in the shops, limit yourself to fruit or veg for between-meal snacks. These are low in calories, provide plenty of nutrients. And it has the advantage of being a really simple goal and you’ll easily be able to tell whether you are achieving it.

Low calorie snacks

To reduce temptation, don’t go down the supermarket aisles with cakes, biscuits and sweets – here we have Guilt-Free Sweet Fix Cookies

8. Plan to keep hunger at bay

When you let yourself get too hungry, it’s all too easy to overeat. To avoid that, plan nutritious snacks into your day. When you’re away from home, carry a “snack pack” filled with healthy options: things like dried and fresh fruits, baby carrots, nonfat yoghurt, trail mix, whole-grain cereal, nuts, and baked chips or check our 6 Portable Healthy Snacks

Healthy Snacks

Get Back on Track

Change can be hard. In the beginning, your healthy habits might take two steps forward and one step back. Anticipating those backwards steps can make all the difference in the world. Develop a plan for getting back on track and recommit to your routine as quickly as possible.

Weight loss

These are just a few of the many examples of real people getting back on the road to health via the detoxpri diet. The important thing is staying motivated and having the tools to get yourself back on track because you can reach your goals even with a little detour. For more, head to the Instagram page, or learn more at www.detoxpri.in.

P.S. If you want more practical ideas to make a healthy relationship with food (and enjoy mindful eating), check out my book CONFESSION, which will show you how small changes in habits can lead to remarkable results.

2 responses to “Weight Loss: How to get back on a track after falling off your Diet or Exercise”

  1. […] Here are easy ways to get back on a track after falling off your Diet or Exercise […]


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